2023 Solar Car Challenge - Race Day 2 - Snyder, TX to Carlsbad, NM
Much like it was in 2018, today was a smooth running day with excellent sunshine and awesome scenery. We completed a record setting 196.2 miles and placed 1st in our division (Advanced Classic), as well as, we logged more miles than any other division on this day, including the Advanced division, which was only able to log 156.5 miles due to mechanical break down issues. For context, we were able to drive 118% more miles on this day's course than we had been able to complete in 2018 with our original solar car! For further context, prior to our record setting 196.2 miles today, the prior Solar Car Challenge record for this Snyder, TX to Carlsbad, NM route had been 126 miles for the Advanced Classic division (set by the Greenville Iron Lions in 2018) and 169.6 miles for the Advanced division (set by the Houston Mississippi team in 2018), which means that this years CCA team beat both of those prior records by 55.7% and 15.7%, respectively!
