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2021 Solar Car Challenge (SCC) Awards Ceremony

This year the CCA Solar Car Team was honored to win first place in the Advanced Classic Division with our brand new car, Cougar Spirit, and second place in the Advanced Division with our returning car, Cougar Pride! This combined placing allowed Covenant Christian Academy to be the most decorated school participating in the 2021 Solar Car Challenge. Given that the Solar Car Challenge is a national competition that is attended by some of the most competitive STEM schools in the country, we are deeply honored by this outcome.

Additional recognition was received for the mechanical CAD drawings that CCA submitted for our Advanced Classic Division car, where we won 2nd place in the Siemens design competition for this division. Additionally, Jake Caraway was honored to be one of only 9 students in this year's Solar Car Challenge that was awarded their prestigious Order of the Solar Cell, which is "Presented to those extremely special people who believe in high school solar car racing, and the great students who make it happen". This is the second time that the CCA Solar Car Team has had one of our students receive the Order of the Solar Cell award, as it was awarded to Morgan Caraway back in July of 2019. Jake was one of the founding members of the CCA Solar Car Team five years ago and has become the longest serving team member!

We wish to give a special send off to our graduating seniors as they head off to pursue their college ambitions: Jake Caraway who plans to pursue an electrical engineering degree at Baylor University, Tommy Lim who plans to pursue a mechanical engineering degree at Texas A&M University, Emma Rush who plans to pursue an aeronautical engineering degree at UT Arlington, and Ben Smith who plans to pursue a business administration degree at Abilene Christian University. Additionally, we wish to welcome the advancement of each of our other team members to increased roles of responsibility for next year.

What an awesome experience that the 2021 Solar Car Challenge has been for the CCA Solar Car Team! We are deeply grateful to all the volunteers and generous sponsors who make the Solar Car Challenge possible for these high school teams!


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